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O Blogger προσκεκλημένος στο STEM Artemis Mission

Blogger's Artemis Passport

 The Artemis I mission will send an uncrewed Orion spacecraft thousands of miles beyond the Moon – farther than any spacecraft built for humans has ever flown. Are you looking to share the excitement of Artemis with your STEM learners? 

NASA’s Artemis I 
STEM Learning Pathway of STEM resources and ready-to-use content comes in eight weekly themes. Each week’s resources can be used individually or in combination to create a lesson plan tied to the learning series’ weekly theme. Not only will you build your students’ STEM skills, you will join NASA in launching the next era of human exploration. The surprise was when I received from my cousins George and Marcy (Florida USA) the panch from Artemis. Blogger is the only one teacher from Greece that got the passport of Artemis spacecraft.

O Blogger είναι Πρέσβης STEM Scientix

Επισκέψεις από τον Ιούνιο 2017